While working in my factories, I noticed that the temples and shrines were brought into the work place- to bring success, aid from harm, and bring positive energy into the office. Large or small, ornate or plain, every single one of my factories had a Shrine for worship. Different Idols, (statue figures) bring different energies and vibes. People bring offerings, burn incense, give money, say prayers, light candles, and do the unimaginable to the many office shrines and alters. It’s something I never saw growing up visiting my Dad’s office as a kid.
I think it’s so unique and inspiring. I love that work becomes so personal; co-workers become almost like family and everyone breaks bread together. Regardless of faith, everyone has the same spirituality, belief and common goal. It’s AWESOME, and the comradery is touching. It has moved me so much to put my own Shrine in my Studio and explore more faiths around the world. I have taken a closer look at Religion, and the vast quantity around the world!!!!! WOW!!!! So many! I really hope that there isn’t just one in the end, because we are all going to be screwed!!!
That is why I have collected almost every religion in my Shrine Fabulous- I am hoping to cover all my bases just in case. You just never know! The only thing I do know is what pair of shoes and handbag goes fabulously with every Meghan outfit….. In the meantime I will keep praying to Shrine Fabulous for all the answers…… and when the Gods, God, or Goddesses send me all the answers, I will be sure to Blog about it!!!!
PEACE, LOVE, AND Shrine Fabulously!!!!!! Meghan Fab
This is Quanyin Mountain in ZhangMuTou Town...
one of the Largest Idols in China, it takes my Breath
Away every time I see it!
This is the Shrine in my factory. It is a common
factory shrine... small and straight to the point.
The factory just had an offering that morning
and I was lucky to be able to witness all the action.
This is a common Buddha in one of the Temples that
we visited... it has sooo many arms and is dipped in GOLD!
On the Boat ride to the Pagoda..... so relaxing.... see pics below for
Pagoda in Hangzhou
Shanghai Skyline at night time.... even the architecture is inspired
one of the Largest Idols in China, it takes my Breath
Away every time I see it!
This is the Shrine in my factory. It is a common
factory shrine... small and straight to the point.
The factory just had an offering that morning
and I was lucky to be able to witness all the action.
This is a common Buddha in one of the Temples that
we visited... it has sooo many arms and is dipped in GOLD!
On the Boat ride to the Pagoda..... so relaxing.... see pics below for
Pagoda in Hangzhou
Shanghai Skyline at night time.... even the architecture is inspired
by the ancient temples!
Hangzhou Lakeside... couldn't get enough of the temple and Pagoda!
Shanghai Architecture is crazy and inspired by
Ancient Chinese Temples, the Famous Pearl Tower... With my Italian Manufacturer
Friend, Gigi
In the Lily pad farm at the Pagoda
With my Translator at the Lily pad farm on the grounds of the Pagoda
In Shanghai... It's the Eifel Tower of China-
Totally NUTZ!! I am OBSESSED with this Tree statue!
This place in Shanghai is the bomb, and so Tranquil!
That's a REAL Quail in the cage, in the tree!
In Hangzhou at the largest temple, with the Goddess
All these Idols are carved into a mountain by Monks thousands
of years ago!
The FAMOUS Pagoda in the center of the Lake!!!!!!
Beautiful photos- so inspiring! Love your blog.
Meghan, I'm such a huge fan of yours! Very interesting post!!
ps. Please produce more Shirley dresses so I can buy one. It is my dream!
hi meghan i love ur stuff but where can i find them to try them on i live in LA
plzz reply
contact eames@meghanfabulous.com for inquiries - thanks!
I love the photo of the gods. I sure wish I can have the chance to go to that place.
Wow! I’m so jealous of you right now. The places you’ve been are fascinating.
Hello. And Bye.
good morning dudes. I'm actually into shoes and I have been searching for that meticulous model. The prices due to the fact that the shoes are all over 340 pounds on every site. But definitively I set this site selling them as a remedy for half price. I exceptionally want these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably purchase them. what is your opinion?
Awesome pics! looks like you had so much fun! well jealous
第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる
第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で万馬券をズバリ的中!絶対なるデータが確実に当てるための秘訣
素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう
スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている
今やモバゲーは押しも押されもせぬ人気SNS!当然出 会いを求めてる人も多い!そこで男女が出 逢えるコミュニティーが誕生!ここなら友達、恋人が簡単にできちゃいますよ
最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ
ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
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